Do you have patients living with chronic persistent pain?

Pain is the leading cause of physical and psychological suffering with up to 50% of people experiencing chronic persistent pain, a figure that is set to rise with the ageing population. Importantly, many people have multiple sources of pain, including muscle and nerve pain, which limits conventional treatments. Safe, effective pain management approaches that can relieve multiple types of pain are desperately needed.
Asked by Daniel777

9 answers

Top answer
Current approaches for pain management largely rely on medications. Unfortunately as the need for pain management increases, so does awareness about the risks of pain relieving drugs. Increasing evidence of serious health risks including organ damage and death have left patients and health professionals looking for safer alternatives. In addition, traditional painkillers are rarely effective at reducing neuropathic pain.


I completely agree with your comments on this and believe that by suppressing the pain with medication we not addressing the cause of the imbalance.
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Changing your diet and lifestyle also adding exercise could be all you need to help get your body back into balance.
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Hi Daniel.
Although my clients come to me to make shifts in their psychogology and mindset, we have found that physical relief in other areas often follows as a welcome additional benefit.
The mind and body are intrinsically linked of course, so this is no surprise. I agree with your other respondees and would encourage all individuals suffering from physical pain to query within themselves as part of the healing process. The pain is the physical manifestation of something that requires attention at a mental, psychological and emotional level. Complete healing requires appropriate attention to all three areas mind body and spirit.
Hope this helps with your query.
Best wishes,


Thank you;-)
yes, I use many advanced bodywork techniques to treat pain conditions. A vast amount of pain experienced by people is to do with Myofascial restrictions brought on by trauma, emotional and physical, chemicals ie drugs, stress,surgery etc. Using special techniques such as trigger point therapy and Myofascial release is hugely helpful for these sort of problems.
Chronic persistent pain that never stops being part of your life, affects everything - you get used to a 'background noise' of being uncomfortable, you don't get a moment to move unconsciously because your bodily actions have to work around the pained area... it's unabating.
There are lots of approaches that can help, mine is hypnotherapy so that's what I can advise on. You can reframe a pain feeling, much like you can feel an itch like a feather tickle - from there you can often learn where the source of the issue comes from, like an overworking organ or a spinal disc out of alignment, or a numb muscle group clenching because of some psychological issue that's so habitual it's no longer conscious. You can also learn 'on tap' pain relief methods, using the placebo phenomenon for a bespoke anaesthesia on the area, and EFT type tapping to relieve the panic as well. Panic can lead to greater pain sensitivity so anything to address that is also of great help.
Normally if there's pain, the body has a sensation something's awry, plus there's worry / it's sensed as "A Bad Sensation". If you haven't already, most pain assistence practitioners will also get you to look at things like diet or packed colon or mobility and exercise options, and may co-refer to other specialists, as well as discussing all this with your GP so everyone's in the loop. Best of luck Daniel if you aren't comfortable x
Using EFT with pain has miraculous results. To see a patient entering the consulting room, tentatively sitting and describing back or upper leg and knee issues, then tapping and standing up pain-free and happy, is a wonder that I never get bored with. I often get phone calls or e-mails telling me that the pain has not returned in months and some instances, years.
EFT has a history of success in pain relief and management and more use of it would result in a massive reduction in the NHS waiting lists. I personally was on one for shoulder surgery for tendinitis and learned EFT in the interim. I was able to cancel my appointments and have had almost no recurrence of what was a chronic condition.
Pain is a very interesting symptom to work with, and I would always recommend clients see a doctor to rule out anything more serious whilst working with alternative treatments.
The angle I come from is that pain is often a symptom of something not quite being right; it's like the body's way of saying 'hey, all is not well here, so pay me some attention so you can sort it out.' Especially with chronic pain, which can be very debilitating, pain is hard to ignore.
Something I've had a great deal of success working with is Emotional Freedom Technique (or EFT), which is similar to acupuncture but without the needles. This is based upon the premise that the body has energy running through it, and when that energy is blocked, then pain can arise.
Using gentle tapping on the body with EFT releases the blockage, freeing up the energy and the pain. It's very fast, with some people experiencing huge relief in just one session, and others needing more than just one session.
Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition of experiencing pain in muscles and joints and reacts especially well to EFT, along with most other chronic pain issues.
It's also extremely simple to learn so you can use it at home.
Hope this helps!
In a United Kingdom survey 50.3% of general practice patients reported chronic pain. Back pain and arthritis were by far the most common causes, accounting for about one third of all reported chronic pain.