Where can I get twinkle toes from? to apply to clients x

Asked by Vickieminx1

4 answers

Top answer
Olabacee and Nails are spot on - try Salon Geek.com there's tutorials from CND Education Ambassadors - including one on Rock Star Nails/Twinkle Toes!
Search Treatwell for Pedicure near you
As Nailsinked said, fine glitter sprinkled over gel is called twinkle toes. You can normally use any sort of clear gel or shellac to set the glitter. By the way, shellac is an hybrid colour (a combination of gel and polish) I would also advise that it is unprofessional to buy from ebay as you risk the chance of buying fakes or stolen properties. Buy direct from your distributors as you're guaranteed you are getting the real deal. Hope this helps?
I offer twinkle toes and you need to buy single diamontes or swarowski crystals and add 1 at a time to the toe
Long process so you can charge quite a high price
I buy them from ebay x
Twinkle Toes is normally the name for pure glitter sprinkled over gel. Great for toes, looks fab, and plus you can use one of the soak off gel polishes like Shellac too :)