What's the general definition of beauty salon/spa?

Can a massage practice be considered a salon?
Asked by PaolaEnergya

7 answers

Top answer
I think the question does not give us enough information. Is the massage practice in premises that are atmospheric? Does the massage offer facials as well?
The word salon derives from the the "gathering" originally taken from Italy into the French. Nowadays, and in general terms the public would identify the word salon as a place that has beauty treatments in their variety or a hairdressing salon.
To involve the word salon call it a "Massage salon" meaning a massage gathering this might help the public to identify that there were an array of massages offered.


Thank you very much for your comment. Currently I am describing my business as a massage practice but for example the default description on Wahanda (I didn't pick it, it was assigned automatically by Wahanda) is day spa.
I just wanted to find out what is the best definition for what I do and how to plan ahead if I wanted to offer more treatments in the future.
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Unwind Milton Keynes offers beauty and body treatments I am called a 'Studio' as it is run from my home, I wondered if I should be a salon too, but decided against it because I didn't want to mislead any one by them perceiving I was a glossy shop...I do have a glossy studio though lol.


Mmmh that's interesting. So far the impression I am getting is that definitions can be sometimes a bit "fluid", and you are right, as long as you are not misleading anyone then you are fine!
I think what ever you end up calling your business premises you will do very well :) I am very impressed myself with the various massage treatments that you offer, all the best for the future. Sian xx
Hi Sian, thank you so much for your lovely comment, very nice of you! Basically I raised this point because currently I run a massage practice in a personal training studio and it is listed as "day spa" so I just wanted to find out which is the best category for what I do (and for what I will be doing in the future).
I would agree with your reply from Sian Rogers.
The meaning of the word salon is "gathering" taken from the Italians and filtered it through to the French. To call a place a massage salon would be appropriate just as beauty salon offer their treatments and hairdressing offer theirs. I feel the word salon has an extra impact on the public denoting somewhere that might be more than a practice and therefore having atmosphere.
Thank you for your answers so far. In a nutshell, if I expanded my massage services to include for example body scrubs and face masks would that tick the box?
Sure, a massage practice can EVOLE into a salon/spa, but unless and until there are actually other beauty services being offered at your business, then it is essentially NOT a salon/spa.
I would think that your direction for your massage practice will ultimately determine how you should classify it? Do you plan to offer other beauty services in the near future?


Hi, I really liked your comment, I'll think about how to re-think my strategy, thank you so much for your feedback.
If you are just offering massage and no other treatments, I think it would be better worded as a Therapy room/establishment otherwise when you use the world salon or spa it gives the impression that you offer other beauty treeatments


Good point, I'll start planning how to offer more services, thanks