I have really bad Eczema under my arms. The doctor has given me creams but they dont work! HELP!?

I've tried Umovate, Hc 45 and Oilatum and none of these seem to have any long lasting effect! Is there anything anyone has tried that calms Eczema down in the long run?!
Asked by TanFreak

11 answers

Top answer
You may already have been told, but eczema may be a result of stress, in which case all the umovate (or other cream) can do is to alleviate symptoms - they really aren't the long term solution you're seeking. Oilatum is just a really good and effective moisturiser, which will help retain the moisture in your skin which can sometimes help with easing the effects of the scaly, dried out feeling of eczema.
As the eczema is under your arms, it makes me wonder whether you are allergic or have developed an allergy, to your deodorant. Perhaps try changing it to a natural crystal one without alluminium - you can get them from Holland & Barratt, and they last for ages and are surprisingly effective. Dairy is also often related to eczema - goats or sheeps milk are often a good alternative to cow products.
On the other hand, if it's come up recently in relation to increased stress levels, or changes in your life, or If you think that it's stress related, try some yoga or meditation to help quieten your mind and develop better coping strategies. A good teacher will be able to help you put long term strategies in place to change the way you handle stress not just right now, but also in the long term. Learning these disciplines is not a quick fix, it does take time and commitment, but if you're interested in personal development, the rewards are endless and will enrich your whole life.
Good luck!
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reduce diary, increase turmeric in your food, reduce wheat, remove chemicals from cleaners and detergents (swap to something natural like soap nut) ensure your diet is varied especially with warm nourishing meals cooked with ghee, think rice, dhal, vegetables soups with lots of herbs and spices. drink every morning upon awakening fresh ginger, lemon and honey to cleanse and invigorate the digestive system.
hi, am having eczema for last 9 yrs ,,,,under my arm..it will come on & off...on the begining i tried anti.fungal,anti-bactrerial,anti- histamine creams but it all worst my condition....but when i switch to "clobesatol emollient cream" its reducing my itchness,,,,,,but still i can't live with out dat,,,,after 9 yrs also am using dat...i could reduce the usage from daily 2 time to once in 2 weeks....but still i need it..
i know that using corticosteroid for long time is no not good..but what to do....
is there any suggestions..


Hi Eliya - I realise you posted a while ago, but just in case you're still looking for possible solutions, here's my story: I had ezcema under my arms for over three years and tried everything. Finally, I figured out that while I had a balanced diet, stress was blocking the absorbsion of magnesium. I have been able to clear up my condition completely through the use of supplements and complementary products including switching to alcohol-free deodorant (alcohol also blocks magnesium absorbsion) and using sulphate-free products in the shower. Goodluck!
The skin is a mirror reflection of what is going on in the gut. Id address the gut first. The big question is, why is your gut in trouble? Is it stress, diet, emotions, parasites, fungus or even a bacteria over growth?
Treat the cause, not the symptoms.
Tom Smith
Hi, stress or anxiety can be one thing! You could look at this. Stress
comes from both positive and negative stimuli and u could look at
stress managemant and / or hypnotherapy. The other guys who have given you advice...also have some great ideas. What works to manage stress may be different for individuals - so go out there and try things out...always chat to people / professionals and always ask for their qualifications, registration, and insurance!!


Eczema is a condition either inherited or allergy based. IT IS NOT CAUSED BY STRESS. STRESS CAN JUST EXACERBATE IT. Please take this from me as I had two children with eczema from 2 months. They were not stressed. It is in their genes. But stress can manifest itself by making the eczema worse. WE ALL SUFFER FROM STRESS BUT IT MANIFESTS ITSELF IN DIFFERENT WAYS OR NOT IN AN OBSERVABLE WAY. THANKS
Oh sweet heart I feel for you Eczema is horrid at the best of times, have you tried 'Hydrocortisone' prescribed by your doctor, you put on a very thin layer to the effected area for it to work effectively.
There are also other factors that may be effecting your skin condition, I was wondering if you are also using regular deodorant maybe try a specialist type, are you allergic to wheat or milk? are you very stressed, the more you inch the worse it becomes, its a matter of detective work you can defeat this, my son had it severely we eliminated all possible causes until we came to the right solution, he used the Hydrocortisone to put the skin right then E45 to maintane the effect he cut out certain foods (eggs) that were the cause of the problem.
I suggest you work through this with your docter go back and seek help until you get the right outcome, all the very best to you.
When it comes to skin conditions there are a couple of questions to ask - How long have you had this complaint ? Is it periodic or constant ? What makes it worse/better ? What times of the day and the year is it more acute ? Does it itch ? Burn ? Is it Red ? Paches/Flakes? Is it dry or moist ? Any discharge or bleeding coming out of affected areas ?
The other issue is the inherited tendency - for allergies / eczema etc' there is normally a genetic predisposition. if it is the case it has to be taken under consideration as well.
Homeopathic Medicine has great sucsses helping people with Eczema. Remedies with skin affinity can help not by suppressing the symptoms but by helping the natural attempt to heal.
Do you know anything at all about EFT? If not go here: http://EFTFREE.org and download the FREE manual and have a practice (this is not mine, it's just a good resource). Once you have the basics down, come back to me and I'll help you to work on it? When you feel ready give me a call. All my contact details are on MY website: http://EFTSuffolk.com
Hello TanFreak
I agree with all the suggestions below but the one thing you may not know is that the body gives us physical symptoms as clues as to what is really going on, on the inside. This is so we can address the source of the problem, rather than just treating the physical symptom that is being presented e.g. eczema.
The emotional invitation for eczema to present itself, is from the feelings (subconsciously or consciously) of being unworthy or inadequate which are not your true feelings. The right side of the body is about the physical self (are you doing enough for your-self or looking after every one else?) and the left side of the body is about your spiritual self, are you meditating, doing yoga or maybe tia chi to relax and gain higher wisdom for you)
Sourcing a Kinesiologist in your area would definitely save you a lot of money in consultation time, creams, and time as Kinesiology will allow your body to communicate exactly what it needs to heal. As the lady from 'Energy for health' quite rightly states.
I also notice your 'name' is TanFreak and I wonder if you apply tanning agents or spray tan as the ingredients in these lotions are harmful to the body and would cause a build up of toxins to occur. The body would try to eliminate these toxins in the quickest possible way and that may be through the sweat glands under the arms in your case.
For kinesiology practitioners in your area visit :
I wish you well finding a solution
Very Best Wishes


Whilst this information is useful eczema is not stress related. It is caused by allergies or a genetic predisposition and is not connected to feelings subconscious, conscious or otherwise. Go to the GP, look at your diet to see if there is a connection with consumed foods and or use non perfumed products, ie. deodorants, washing powders and avoid fragrance products in the home.
Hi there,
The quick answer to your question is unfortunately no. But I would suggest the following for a long-term solution; perhaps you might consider speaking to your GP about checking/boosting your immune system. It is possible that your symptoms will be reduced once your immune system is higher.
As I am a Reiki Practitioner, I would suggest that having Reiki treatments may be beneficial as this practice is known as a form of energy 'healing'. It works with your own healing capabilities to help boost your energy circulation and dissolve blockages. Blockages in the body can lead to stress, inflammation, poor blood circulation, illness and dis-ease. This practice can also help your body relax.
Stress is known to be the cause behind many illnesses. High stress levels can be alleviated with regular meditation. As it is a form of relaxation, you give your body the chance to be still, regenerate and heal. There are many different forms of meditation so you might want to do some research to find what works for you.
Stress management is something that I cover as part of Personal Development Coaching and I offer a free consultation in Personal Development Coaching, Life Coaching and/or Reiki. When much commitment is put into these practices, it is likely that the achievements will be highly positive. You are welcome to get in touch if you think I can be of help.
All the best.
Kind Regards, Daniella
I can only agree with CatherineAnnis reply. However, to take the guess work out of it I would suggest you go and see a Kinesiologist who then can identify exactly what the cause of your eczema is (allergy, food sensitivity, stress, etc.). This will get you results quickly, rather than through the trial & error approach.
For practitioners in your area visit http://www.systematic-kinesiology.co.uk
Best Wishes


I think I would like to try allergy testing as I suspect I am allergic to something. How much does allergy testing cost do you know and how reliable are the results?
Regarding allergy testing. My daughter had allergy testing. She is allergic to birch pollen, which in fact means she's allergic to a lot of fruits which can make her throat itch. How much it contributes to her eczema I'm not sure. She WAS ADVISED TO COOK THE FRUIT SO THE ENZYMES RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ALLERGY WOULD BE REMOVED. SHE IS ALSO ALLERGIC TO GRASS POLLEN WHICH MAKES HER ITCH. At the hospital they used pin pricks of allergens to see the results on a scale of 1-10. Then you can of course eliminate these foods or products. There are a couple of other foods which show an elevated sensitivity. However, we were told that at different times you can react less or more strongly to these allergens. Also you can ACQUIRE different sensitivities at different times in your life. It is a minefield. I live in England so the testing was done free under the NHS.
I think it is a good idea to get tested and at least you will have a good idea what to avoid.
If you eczema is chronic then I guess you learn to avoid what you know exacerbates it.
If it is an acute episode then perhaps with the help of cream and doctor's advice it may be a short lived period.