Looking for space to teach yoga 2 hours / class per day

I am a yoga teacher in Farnborough, Hamshire, UK. I am looking for a sharing space for me a set my teaching yoga classes 2 hours / class per day or week. Does anyone here know such places, or where can I start? Thank you.
Asked by Yoga-instructure

4 answers

Thank you for all suggestions.
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I gotto space in N1 thansk


I might be interested, can you post your contact number to ace@acepittapan.com please. I shall call you tomorrow morning.
I might be interested, can you post your contact number to ace@acepittapan.com please. I shall call you tomorrow morning.
I am in the South.
I contacted somebody that I saw in the internet in your town and expect answer.
Contact June Milner Yoga in your town, they might have/know something.
Try community centres. They don't normally charge much :-)