Over the last 6 months my scalp has developed a nasty (cheesy!) odour. The smell appears pretty much a few hours after washing my hair. My boyfriend says he can smell it if he puts his face close to my hair but I can smell it much more.
Anyone had anything similar and managed to get rid of it? I've asked hairdressers about this and they look at me blankly and I've also been to the doctors who gave me a medical shampoo, which hasn't worked. I've tried: using different shampoos not using styling products making sure my hair is dry and not left damp It'd be good to hear from any specialists who can give me some ideas on how to eliminate this smell as it's starting to become an issue now
Asked by Abipoole
1 answer
Top answer
yes you may have a prsite in you gut you need to get test i hav had 4 clients test and they all had prsite of funges shampoo and conditioner will cover it up look at where it coming from get a test on you gut look at your food see how much suger is in it and get it out there lots more you need to do but get test