My mother is slim, never eaten meat, has an active life. But her energy has gone down a lot, we find that reflexology is not helping although she loves her feet being massaged. We were worried that it could be Diabetes, but the doctors say no after her having a blood test. Any ideas as to what this could be? She eats well but she never really has strong energy anymore.
Asked by BGjj2012
16 answers
Top answer
If your mother avoids eating meat and is suffering from increased fatigue she may be experiencing the symptoms of iron deficient anaemia. Another type of anaemia called pernicious anaemia comes from a deficiency in B12 which also will cause fatigue and which can cause tingling and numbness in the hands and feet. Diabetics often have difficulty absorbing B12. This probably would have been detected in her blood test however. She can call her GP to confirm this. She could try a good quality iron, B12 and folic acid supplement. - Geoffrey Hogan (M.Ost). Registered Osteopath. Farringdon Osteopaths, London.
Vitamin B12 deficiency affects the body’s ability to produce fully functioning red blood cells (cells that carry oxygen around the body). As the level of oxygen in body decreases because of anaemia caused by Vitamin B12 deficiency, you may experience: • Rapid and shorter breathing • Very weak pulse rate and irregular heartbeats • Disturbance in Neurological functioning • Frequent headache • Lethargy • Dizziness • Weakened immune system • Digestive problems It is very important to have balanced diet ensure vitamin B12 is kept at a healthy level.
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HI , I think it is is early to come to conclusion. Your mother needs an x-ray of lower back and if the result is negative then needs a physiotherapy assessment for diagnosing the problem. Thanks Anirban Burman 07960213911
Vitamin B12 deficiency affects the body’s ability to produce fully functioning red blood cells (cells that carry oxygen around the body). As the level of oxygen in body decreases because of anaemia caused by Vitamin B12 deficiency, you may experience: • Rapid and shorter breathing • Very weak pulse rate and irregular heartbeats • Disturbance in Neurological functioning • Frequent headache • Lethargy • Dizziness • Weakened immune system • Digestive problems It is very important to have vitamin B12 in your diet to ensure the store is kept at a healthy level. Lauries Barry
Hi! The numbness that your mother feels can be caused by different reason. As you said she feels the numbness at the bottom of the foot and that she is really active, it could be link to a pressure on the tibial nerve. This nerve is located in the calf but help in moving the foot. If the calf muscle is tired due to can causes tightness of the muscles which can constrict the tibial nerve. As the result this will lower the blood circulation in the lower foot and cause numbness. But it can be other causes so I will advise your mother to be checked properly. Also, make sure she wears shoes not too tight or high to avoid more pressure on feet..Xxx
i now to see here,can be B 12 very must peopple need this. Vit multi senior and vit c for infecties. Can that she also have problems with here new chakra s.Healing.
When there are problems in the feet one must alwasy look as well at the area where the nerves that supply the feet exit the spinal column. This would be Sacro Iliac Area and lower lumber spine. Misalignement there cause tensions that compromise the nerve flow to the feet.
Hi. As a Reflexologist and also a Cranio-sacral Therapist I agree with a lot that has been said already. I would suggest you go back to the Doctor and ask to see a neurologist. I would also be asking if she had had any serious falls on her sacral area and coccyx as this can affect the nerves. Cranio-sacral therapy could be beneficial to release the area. All the best, peace and joy, Jo
I also immediately thought of Peripheral Neuropathy and wouldn't necessarily rule out glucose imbalance, despite the test! How is her digestion/absorption? Often tingling and numbness can be due to toxins in the body eg from heavy metals. I would second others advice to get further help from her Doctor/Specialist but in the meanwhile check stomach acid levels (may need betaine, hcl and pepsin and digestive enzymes); B vitamins, and particularly B12, magnesium (spray the mag oil over the feet twice a day up to 10 times each leg). Research clay as it is very easy to take and will both detox and remineralise the body. Eg fine green clay is good for cleansing. 1 tsp on water, shaken and left overnight to absorb. Just drink the water in the morning as it will have absorbed the necessary and throw the clay away. Repeat for night time. Reflexology and epsom salt footbaths will also help; giving particular focus in Reflexology to the spinal area where there may be nerve impingement. Best of luck.
As a reflexologist I am often asked for advice about general health concerns. Has your mother asked her general practitioner/practice nurse for an MOT check? As a complimentary therapist I always undertake a health check questionnaire with all of my new clients. This will usually flag up any contraindications against receiving treatment. If I was concerned about any aspect of the questionnaire or my client had a health concern then I would ask them to contact their general practitioner in the first instance. If the general practitioner/practice nurse had no concerns about your mother having a course of reflexology and your mother felt she was receiving benefit from having reflexology then I would be happy to undertake treatment. Has your mother seen a Podiatrist? It is well known that as we get older our feet change physiologically, both in size and shape. Women of a certain age are more prone to developing fallen arches due to wearing ill fitting footwear in their youth. Also bunions, miasma, fungal nail infections etc... I have also noted many of my elderly ladies wear shoes that they used to wear 20 years ago, these shoes can pinch and hurt their toes, but because the shoes are still in good condition they are loath to part with them. A Podiatrist is definitely worth a visit, because they will assess your mother's feet, posture etc. I hope this helps. Best regards Michelle
Your mum's decrease in energy levels is likely due to her age as much as anything else as our bodies do begin to slow down in general between the ages of 55 and 70. The numbness in her feet could be neurological hence not related to any diabetic condition. I am surprised her GP has not referred her for further tests to establish the cause of her loss of sensation in her feet as this may affect her balance if she cannot feel the soles of her feet properly. This in turn could also result in her falling more easily. I would suggest she ask for a referral to a neurology clinic in the first instance and as soon as possible. If it is not a neurological issue then perhaps an investigation into her circulatory system may be necessary. Without seeing her feet for myself or having all her medical history, I am reluctant to speculate however, having reflexology will do her no harm and may boost her general well being as well as enhance the circulatory and neurological systems of the body.
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I really feel these symptoms require further investigation and would urge you to return with your Mother to her GP for referral onward. It could be something simple, but certainly needs looking into. Wishing you and your Mother well, Janice
you need to see a specialist and get her back looked at as if nerves under pressure in spine then it can present numbness in feet
you need to see a specialist and get her back looked at as if nerves under pressure in spine then it can present numbness in feet
We have a Far-Infrared Jade Massage Bed its very good for improving blood circulation and many other medical conditions see our website for details
Hi Has your doctor checked for peripheral neuropathy? Numbness is certainly one of the symptoms. Worth looking into. Best Adrienne
In addition to being a Reflexologist I work with an energy/healing modality called The Body Code. This uses muscle testing to establish the energetic causes of many issues that often seem to have names but don't have cures! I'd be happy to give you more details if you are interested. Hazel
Lauries Barry
Lauries Barry
As the level of oxygen in body decreases because of anaemia caused by Vitamin B12 deficiency, you may experience:
• Rapid and shorter breathing
• Very weak pulse rate and irregular heartbeats
• Disturbance in Neurological functioning
• Frequent headache
• Lethargy
• Dizziness
• Weakened immune system
• Digestive problems
It is very important to have balanced diet ensure vitamin B12 is kept at a healthy level.