Always being the true essence of who I am, I do this by giving gratitude for all the things I have in life and those that I have yet to receive.
I always remember that happiness comes from within me not from anything external to myself.
I only do what I am passionate about, and I serve others as I would serve myself.
The tools I use as an Holistic therapist and Life Coach are positive thoughts even when things are negative I look for the positive and also look at how the "issue" best serves me and how I am able to grow from that point and then apply gratitude and know that I am truly blessed, I do aromatherapy massage every day with my clients so I am always getting those benefits as well, and I use Australian Bush Flower Essences and crystals to further enhance the above results.
I also meditate and facilitate the spiritual awakening of others.
I send healing energies to various things every day.
I connect with nature and listen to relaxing music.
In my "human mode" I ride fast motorbikes and scuba dive but not both at the same time!
It is also said that happiness is a journey not a destination, but I find that if you are at one with your true essence then in there is where you will find the experience of happiness along with many other beautiful energies such as peace, harmony, balance, serenity etc.
For more information on what I offer please visit my website at you for asking a great question - may your happiness shine brightly from your inner goddess - you are a beautiful person.
Angels Blessings always and forever.