The Greenwich Spa Reviews

20 College Approach, Greenwich, London, SE10 9HY

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Reviews are written by customers after their visit.

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Iyashi dome was a fun and unique period. Your body is in a dome, but your head isnt so its not too uncomfortably hot. The dome continues to heat up and you just keep sweating! great detox experience and very calming as you just lie there for 30 mins with peaceful music so nice and relaxing.
I was running 10 min late, but luckily for me, they kept my appointment. The Iyashi Dome area was through the LA Fitness next to the Waldorf Hilton Hotel - sounded good! When I got there the staff were absolutely lovely and discreet. As I attempted to open the door to the room, someone (it later turned out to be staff) tried to exit. The layout was such that there wasn't enough space to do both - one person would be stuck in the room, while another would try yo enter it! This gave the overall impression of a badly thought out layout. The person trying to come out I later found out was someone who was going to do a re-fit.The room that housed the iyashi dome wasn't a bad size for one person, but from the advertising, I had an image of a much larger open, room, however, this was a small room in the basement. I was given clear & concise instructions from staff. It had a relaxing ambience with good lighting and music (you can choose to use your own ipod). They explained that it would work better if you were completely stripped down (disposeable undies were provided), staff left the room until you were in place in the dome, explained what would happen - you would sweat quite a bit - and said halfway through that she would come back to check up on me and then I would have to turn over. It felt like lying on a hot beach and I found it to be very relaxing. She had mentioned that some people feel a little like they've just finished a session at the gym. I just felt very calm and if I could, I'd do this more often for my own sense of well being. Not sure about how good the results would be without doing this more often and perhaps in conjunction with a healthy diet and more exercise. Difficult to say after only one session. Lets see!
I highly recommend the detox diet. The food was amazingly tasty, and very filling. I didnt even need to eat all of it! The presentation of the food was great, and the instructions easy to follow. I felt lighter and healthier after the 4 days even. Its a must do!
Very good deal with Wahanda, I really ejoyed it but would probably not pay full price for it as its a lot fo money. Was so nice not having to think about what to eat each day or go out and get food and also I lost weight and the food gave me so much energy!
I bought the 4-day detox diet mobdeal and suprisingly found it not too difficult. The meals consisted of cereals for breakfast, fruit, and chunky soup based meals of a decent size. It was all delivered on the first morning in a large box to my office. The hard thing for me was the lack of caffine, alcohol, bread and sweet things, but it was a good thing to do to break myself out of the habit of having chocolate after a meal, and to kickstart a more healthy diet ongoing. After the 4 days I felt more energetic and my skin had noticibly cleared from spots, this probably was helped by the fact I didn't go out drinking for a week!