hi yes reps is not good not all that good you pay £90 per year to be on list for reps i have been personal trainer for 11 years and study with the with y.m.c.a it this took me 12 weeks to pass was ok but did not go deep for me so i look at the C.H.E.K. institute in USA it has taken 6 years to get to practitioner level 3 you have to do new study every year to stay list on there web site and use the name all there course there 60hr hours of studying to do just because a trainer is Level 3 qualification with rep dose not mean there any good what need look for C.H.E.K practitioner level 3 They do 5 years of study mind body movement and with a 4 hr assessment of body and 8 hr of diet and lifestyle and going rate for a C.H.E.K practitioner £125ph up to £160ph there is over 35.000 personal trainer out there in london that are put there client in pain and there client are paying for it !!! any trainer that any good should show you there qualifications and there-comprehensive public liability insurance any one can get this or need do is to pay for it so look at qualifications what they have study how long they been in the job what there body look like what assessment they do and see how many References do they have too lots of the course are line so they don.t even do any work with a client every course i did the institute i had to do 5-11 days on the course in usa to become a personal trainer take 12 week to be a C.H.E.K practitioner take 5 year to be a d.r take 6 years so i know what i go for im putting personal trainer down but they need to re study not just do one crap course and think they can help any one