I need to find a good teeth whitening venue (which actually works)
as i have had it done previously and it did not change the colour of my teeth what so ever.
Asked by jcbpink
2 answers
Top answer
The most important thing to find out before a course of whitening is carried out is why your teeth are discoloured. There are many reasons and most contrary to common belief are not due to smoking or tea and coffee drinking but are due to intrinsic stains within your tooth. Some staining is easier to remove with whitening than others. At Smilepod we offer a free whitening consultation with a qualified dentist so we can find out what treatment is best for your particular problem. In my experience the best results are usually achieved by a combination of power whitening using the zoom system form America together with home whitening using trays to boost the effect. However without seeing your teeth and taking a full history it is difficult to advice. You can call us if you wish on 0207 836 6866 to book a free consultation (we do ask for a fully refundable deposit as sadly people often don’t turn up). Harvey
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If you had no change what so ever i dont think you should have paid, my teeth whitening associate uses a comparison chart so you can see the difference, there are 2 systems available Natural whitening and Behond natural, some people how ever believe they will achieve the vaneer look of the elite hollywood, I dont believe that is the case. but what i have witnesses has been impressive.
And where was this? is it in london? i do really want the hollywood teeth look.