My custom orthotics for running are in need of some help!

I had a pair of custom orthotics made a few years ago and they are beginning to wear. The soft foam insole is falling apart but the hard plastic support is just fine. Can I have them fixed by a podiatrist or do I need a whole new pair?
Asked by MarisaF

4 answers

Top answer
Because our feet are contsantly changing and orthotics used in sport get quite a battering, it is wise to get your orthotics checked out and possibly replaced every 12-24 months. Whether yours can be repaired or not would need to be answered by a Podiatrist, but you defintiely need a check to see if your feet have changed and you need a complete new pair.
You can get free Orthotics through some NHS depts. If you live in birmingham, ask for a referral to the Hall Green medical centre podiatrists, which I have used to get free orthotics.
It might also be worth getting some technical running advice to make your running style as efficient and low-impact as possible. This will help your joints as well as your orthotics last as long as possible! I can provide this service if you're interested:


Thank you for the suggestions. I am in London so I will try the NHS and see if they can give me a referral somewhere nearby. I have put it off for too long!
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If you are running with them they will have taken a right hammering over the last few years i would recomend that you see a pediatrist and see about getting a new pair made and while you are there see if your feet have changed. Also how you run will effect the wear and tear of them as well so have a look at how you run.
If you wear Orthotics, it is adviseable to have a review regularly. at least 12 to 18months.
A Biomechanical assessment would indicate the best way forward for your needs.
If you live in North Hampshire or Berkshire I could help you.
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You can have them mended as the structural aspect is presumably intact.
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