how much does aqua aerobic classes cost per hour/month?
Asked by MissM
3 answers
Top answer
Hi there, usually at a public pool it costs approximately £4.50-£5.00 for a 45 minute class. If you are lucky enough to have access to a private pool if would cost considerably more.
Search Treatwell for Aqua Aerobics near you
Alternatively, you can join a gym and have the classes included in the gym membership. Depending on how many classes you are looking to be doing every week it could be more cost-effective. Usually those that do aqua classes get hooked on them, so that could be an option too.
Hi there, I hire a prep school pool three times a week and charge £5.00 for a 45 minute class. In addition, there is usually about 10 minutes available for clients to swim afterwards. I teach on the Hampshire/Berkshire border. The local leisure centre charges £4.50/45 minute class.