Hello, Sorry to hear that you are suffering from acute headaches, however there are things from a nutritional and Ayurvedic persepective that can hep this. I would firstly need to know more about yourself such as your current diet, lifestyle habits and a little about about yourself to individually tailor it to you. In Ayurveda everybody is treated uniquely and without the above information it is difficult to pinpoint the cause.
It may be due to a Vata (air and space) increase, this could be caused by eating foods with the wrong qualities (the same quality - vata) and having lifestyle habits that are fast and stressful. It could also be due to a kapha increase (earth and water) which could be caused by eating too many foods that are kapha forming, such as cheese and dairy. Bad digestion is normally the cause of many diseases.
By doing an individual analysis and by finding about your current digestion I should be able to help you.
Please feel free to give me a call and check out my website
http://www.shaktisounds.com. My information is on there. 1.5 hour consultations cost £40 over the phone and you will recieve an email from me with recipes, your vitamin deficiencies (if any) and how to balance them and your personal analysis.
All the best
Love and Light