Has anyone tried Slimming World? Would you recommend it, and why Slimming World over others?
Seems to be a new thing here I was just wondering why people like it and whether it makes a difference.
Asked by maria-a-kyriakou
4 answers
Top answer
Hi there! I have about 4-5 friends that have had amazing results by dealing with weight loss and have managed to keep the weight off. If you are interested and would like to know more please call 01582 966464. Regards Karen
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The problem with commercial diets is that they don't always recommend the best nutrition for your particular goals and individual medical profile. Because they are mass commercial diets, there is a high degree of automation and generalisation in their recommendations. Another big omission is the exercise element. Diets alone (I hate the word diet, but you know what I mean) are never enough to produce a healthy fit body. Far better to get a one-on-one consultation with a qualified nutritionist and personal trainer, and then follow a programme of healthy eating (not a commercial diet, big difference) and exercise too, so that your eating and exercise are properly integrated with each other.
we have a great consultant at as hurst in skelmersdale lancs she gives us massive support and tips have lost 2 stone with little effort would like another stone by Xmas soooo easy to follow x
Hi I joined w.w on 2 separate occasions and never lost any weight and was constantly hungry, then joined slimming world 9 weeks ago and I've lost 11lb not done any exercise although more exercise u do more weight you will loose and you can pretty much eat just about anything you like and you'll never b hungry. Also I'm diabetic and have a 3 year old son and the recipes fit in perfectly with my lifestyle Plus it's soooooo easy to follow. Defo recommend slimming world, hope this helps. And good luck,