
I am looking to implement Yoga into my daily workout as this is less straining on the joints and the muscular system. I am aware there are many branches of yoga, but I would like one that is gentle, toning all muscles, aiding in less tension around my neck, head, shoulder area (migraine sufferer) and to aid in spirtual and mental well being. But what Yoga would be most suitable for my needs?
Asked by Salma

3 answers

Top answer
Hi Salma
Any gentle form of yoga (avoid anything labelled as dynamic, flow, astanga or vinyasa and look for hatha) will help you to relax the tightness around your upper back and neck, however, I can specifically recommend Scaravelli inspired yoga. This approach is based on releasing tension in the upper layers of the body to gradually release tension around the spine and pelvis. This will help you to begin moving and using your body differently and with more awareness, so that you change habitual movement patterns which contribute to your particular tensions. If you can't find a Scaravelli inspired teacher in your area, then try looking for local dedicated yoga centres, or independent local teachers, rather than joining a class in a gym. The atmosphere of the class is very important in helping you to "let go". Find a teacher you like, and talk to her/him about your goals. Any good teacher will be only too happy to help you learn how to relax and release to reduce the severity or frequency of your migraines.
Good luck, and I wish you all the best in your yoga journey.
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Hi , I am Julia Rhodes of West London Colonics .
What many people do not realise is the the ancient yogis did not allow people to practice the classic poses without some degree of detoxing . The called it the shat kriyas meaning 6 actions, one of which was baste , or enemas .
A modern day , enhanced level of enema is a colonic , and in my experience yoga practitioners have experienced immense improvements in their yoga practice, by having colonics.
Hi Salma
You might like to consider having a private lesson with a yoga teacher to create a sequence especially beneficial for your needs which you could practice daily at home.
They should be able to work with you to achieve a yoga practice to suit you.
Best wishes x
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