Any tips on how I can gain weight? I'm quite petite at 5'' and underweight :s

Asked by pinkblossoms

7 answers

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Hello, I'm only 5" myself and also find it difficult to keep weight on. There are a lot of help and tips out there for loosing weight but most people just tell you to eat more if you're underweight. It's best to get your hormone levels checked to make sure that's not stopping you gaining. If not what helps me is to always carry snacks with me(nuts & seeds mainly), eating every hour or so and as I struggle with big meals having smoothies and hot chocolate along side them to help up my calories. Keeping your blood sugar even with low GI foods and keeping well hydrated will also help. And last but not least look at your moods and stress levels - the busier or more stressed I get the less appetite I have, even though I enjoy my food. Good luck, it's not easy but I'm sure you'll get there!
All the health tips given below are great. I would recommend taking Kelp which has iodine to balance the thyroid (responsible for weight management whether overweight or underweight). Make sure you are not sensitive to iodine and start introducing slowly.
See a Kinesiologist - great suggestion, because I would suggest to get your hormones tested as there might be an imbalance in how fast you metabolize all this great food you are eating! Manual Muscle Testing/Kinesiology takes the guess work out and allows direct communication with your body and what it needs in order to heal itself! Find out more here:
See a Kinesiologist - great suggestion, because I would suggest to get your hormones tested as there might be an imbalance in how fast you metabolize all this great food you are eating! Manual Muscle Testing/Kinesiology takes the guess work out and allows direct communication with your body and what it needs in order to heal itself! Find out more here:
Hi Pinkblossoms, it is equally as important to eat a balanced and healthy diet whether you want to gain weight or loose a little. Though to gain weight you will need to eat more complex carbohydrates (rice, pasta, potatoes, oats, quinoa, coucous) and protein-based foods (meat, fish, pulses, seeds, beans) as well as vegetables and fruit. Increasing you calorie intake to above the recommended 2000 calories per day; especially if you include a few pleasure foods - though not too many!
With each main meal eat a slightly larger portion than you would normally do, especially in the evening when we tend to be less active. Include snacks between your meals and remember to drink plenty of fluids. You could make calorie rich smoothies using fruit, oats and seeds; or even use protein shakes. One of the most important things you can do while eating a higher protein and carbohydrate based diet is exercise. Muscle tissue is the most dense tissue in the body. So be healthy and have fun.
You still need to eat healthily. I would suggest making every main meal a mixture of protein and carbs. Eat snacks inbetween of things like organic oatcakes and peanut butter, protein shake smoothies made with fruit, protein powder and either raw milk or soya or goats milk (rotate the milks you use). Sprinkle seeds on soups. Use coconut butter to bulk up soups etc. ALSO to ensure you are absorbing nutrients, see whether you need some food enzymes - a Kinesiologist will be able to help you there. If you are in the UK go to GOod luck
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