Pregnancy Treatments

Hello All,
What treatments should I stay away from being pregnant?
Kind Regards
Asked by prettyuglies

5 answers

You can have most treatments, all you need to do is check with the specific therapist that they are trained to specific standards. You can have massage right from the beginning of your pregnancy- Elemis do a Nurturing Mother to Be massage which is lovely and this can be done from day 1. Aromatherapy oils are a big NO for the first 2 trimesters and are usually only used right at the very end by trained Aromatherapists to get things moving along with Reflexology.
You should be bolstered differently to a non-pregnant client as well to aid in your comfort otherwise you and your bump won't be supported properly.
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Any good Spa will offer pregnancy services, the things to avoid are wraps and some massages. x
Its not so much about treatments but more about oils that you shouldn't use, just make sure that any therapist you are using knows exactly what oils they should or shouldn't use and they are qualified in what they are doing, also ask your midwife for information on what a therapist should or should not do and if you have regular treatments keep your midwife informed so she can guide you.
The general precautions during treatments are:
Only Lavender essential oil or a plain base oil (there are a couple of other oils that are safe but best to stick to these if your not sure)
No deep tissue massage (flat hand movements with light pressure)
Avoid the area behind ankles
Avoid any pressure on inside of thighs
Avoid tummy massage
Avoid the Sacrum (the base of the spine)
Avoid pressure on breast area
My pregnant ladies are always positioned on their sides in a fetal position, with a pillow under their head and between their legs, with the upper part of the massage bed propped up a little, as this is more comfortable for them and puts no pressure on the tummy or back.
Facials are often good to have during pregnancy also as the hormone changes tend to play havoc with the skin.
I hope you find this helpful and congratulations to you ! :o)
The most all treatments are safe, except massage and body wrap, massage after 3 months are fine, don't get massage before 3 months it's not alowed in this country uk, the insurance doesn't cover for malpratice, also body wrap not suitable for pregnancy.
Hi there
Most treatments are generally ok during pregnancy, some may have to be adapted slightly or slightly different techniques used. Massage for example can help with good circulation in pregnancy helping to prevent swallon ankles etc and are absolutely safe, we do recommend however that during the first 6mths that no aromatherapy oils are used and obviously as the baby grows different positions are likely to be necessary eventually leading to a seated massage.
Indian head massage may be one to stay away from in early and late stages as it can sometimes cause light headedness and as hormones are all over the place you are likely to be a little light headed on occasion anyway. Reflexology is said to possibly reduce the possibility of the baby going passed full term and can lead to a smoother, easier pregnancy.
But as I say generally with a fully experienced and qualified therapist most are safe, x


Generally pregnancy massage treatments are not recommended up to 3 months and during last month of the pregnancy.
We have specialized therapist, who could answer your specific query before any pregnancy massage treatment at our London studio.
For more details, please call us and visit:
Best Regards
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