I highly recommend trying EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique and reading Donna Eden's 'Energy Medicine for Women' book. Both use and increase the natural healing abilities of our bodies.
EFT can be used for the physical aspects as well as for the emotional/ psychological aspects of hormone imbalances.
http://www.eftuniverse.com for free guidance and instructions on how to begin EFT.
In the beginning it is helpful to be very specific and deal with these issues separately. Physically the hormone imbalances create stress because the body perceives something is out of balance. It often goes into fight or flight mode producing tons of adrenalin to prepare you for the perceived battle. It is this excessive amount of adrenalin that is produced that causes mood swings, panic, depression and a host of other uncomfortable feelings and emotions.
You could begin by tapping while saying "even though I have this hormone imbalance that is causing excessive amounts of adrenalin to be produced, making me feel _____________, and I deeply and completely accept myself."
Then you could move to "even though I have this hormone imbalance, I am choosing to know that my body can rebalanced and heal itself in the same way that I honor how remarkable it truly is." Once you have dealt with the physical aspects then move on to any negative emotions and feelings. Release and replace them with positive self talk.
Good Luck & Best Wishes.