I have suffered from back pain for years - does Alexander Technique really work?
Basically i'm fed up of spending money on various treatements which dont make it any better!
Asked by Rhian
2 answers
Top answer
Hi, The Alexander Technique may help, as it attempts to educate you (and your body) to improve posture and breathing. However, I think it's important to find out what is actually causing the back problem. It's only then that you can decide on the best course of action. For example if its muscular or skeletal you may need benefit from deep tissue massage or myofascial release massage. You mention you have spent a lot of money on various treatments. What have you tried and what were your expectations from the treatments? Did you keep up with the treatments or abandon them after one or two sessions? Don't give up because chronic back problems can be helped in many ways. Find a good therapist and ask lots of questions before you agree to further treatments. Always ask what results you can expect and over what period. By working with your therapist and identifying the differences in how you feel after each treatment you should find your back condition will improve. Hope this helps and if you need any further advice just ask! Maureen MMC Holistic Therapies
Thanks for this! Yes i'm seeing a Dr at the moment - just had an injection for my slipped disc and thinking about the best recovery plan - so far i think alexander technique and pilates are my best options.