What is the best way to remove a skin tag?

I have two skin tags, which one is raised. They are are covered by my pubic hair (sorry). Unable to get waxed.
Asked by jacquiw

4 answers

Top answer
If you find a local therapist who does advanced electrolysis they should be able to remove them for you quickly. It will be dependant on the therapist if they will work in this area.
I do both male and female full body waxing so i'm quite used to naked bodies and don't have any issues with any part of the body nor do I make my clients feel uncomfortable.
Hope this helps & good luck


Thanks :-). It's a shame you are so far away. Thanks again, I cringed when I realise I had a reply. But your comment is so lovely. I don't feel so embarrassed anymore. :-)
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You can take them off by advanced electrolysis depending on the size of them it can take a couple of times to remove. You have to get a doctors letter aswell to get aproval to remove them.
Use NdYag laser to remove the skin tags seems the easiest way
If you need any help come and see what we can do for you.
The costs may vary. But if it is one or two sessions required £200 is a good estimate.
Call 01895 630 604 for a free consultation.
Dr Silva
You need to make sure they are skin tags first. Then one of the best ways is with a laser treatment as it has a quick healing time and is fairly painless. To book a free consultation with one of our members of staff contact us on01892 222222
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