Any tips on recovery from a knee replacament operation?

My mum's just had a full knee replacement, so is now in the painful recovery process. She has fortnightly physio and is on a combination of pain killers. Glucosamine has been recommended as an organic supplement - does anyone know of any other tips?
Asked by madeleiner

7 answers

Top answer
Gentle ultrasonic hydrotherapy with the right combination of soluble bath oils would help tremendously for all post-operation recovery.
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The NHS has guidelines on knee replacement recovery.
Please see the link
Good physiotherapy can help to get the knee working how it should. But be careful as to much exercise is as bad as to little. Acupuncture can help with the flow of blood to nourish the knee,it can also help the mind as being positive can have a great effect on the body. No two people heal the same, some recover quicker because they have a greater mind power. Ice chambers help as well, top sportsman use them. Do not give up water hydrotherapy helps as well. good luck
I would recommend homeopathy but your Mum would need to consult with a fully qualified homeopath in order to determine which are the best remedies for her to take. If you want to try something over the counter then Traumeel is a good bet, you can get that in most homeopathic pharmacies (try Nelsons, Helios or Ainsworth). Wishing her a fast and painless recovery. Claire
I would recommend homeopathy but your Mum would need to consult with a fully qualified homeopath in order to determine which are the best remedies for her to take. If you want to try something over the counter then Traumeel is a good bet, you can get that in most homeopathic pharmacies (try Nelsons, Helios or Ainsworth). Wishing her a fast and painless recovery. Claire
Get her to try the Bowen Technique very gentle, no hard manipulation, but also very good.
Homeopathy has some wonderful remedies to help ease the pain and speed the healing process. Have a chat with your local homeopath and I am sure he/she can help your mum.
Mohamed Caffoor