Siam Zenith Spa & Beauty Reviews

153 Stroud Green Road, Stroud Green, London, N4 3PZ

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Reviews are written by customers after their visit.

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Written by our customers, so you know what to expect at each and every venue.
I have really enjoyed my treatment and will be back!
Gorgeous massage. Felt so relaxed and the stones were lovely. Just at the start felt more like Thai massage which wasn’t expecting or warned about
I have a frozen shoulder and after Millie’s massage it feels much better than it has in ages! She spent a lot of time working in this area and it helped a lot. . I like this spa, the staff and treatments are good - the only negative for me is that you can sometimes hear people in the next room. But the massages are so good I will definitely return!
Back to visit after jetleg. fantastic massage always !
Great massage and Kate was excellent in helping work out some tricky knots. Felt very relaxed