I suffer chronic back pain, mainly lower back, due to scoliosis. Would Yoga bring me relief?

I find standing for even a short time very painful. I am too old for surgery (74) and I have not found an effective pain killer. Could someone advise me please which, if any, type of exercise could be beneficial?
Asked by Avayanya2

9 answers

Avayanya, Only Yoga chakra therapy can cure your disease. It is greater than surgery.
If you know somebody who do this , they can help you.
Or you can contact me. e-mail - sreekumarp@mail.com
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Hello Avayanya, I had scoliosis surgery as a teenager and thank goodness I never had pain since which I am grateful for. However I can sympathise as scoliosis is still not very well known as only 5% of the population suffers from it.
I would suggest doing some 1:1 Pilates tuition first or yoga tuition before joining a class as your condition would prevent you from doing specific movements.
Also, you could combine that with some gentle bodywork like Bowen Therapy and myofascial release.
Having researched the condition over the years, the main aim is not striving for perfect symmetry but working with your own body to maximise comfort and ease of movement.
I believe gentle yoga can take years of pain from your back and help you sleep better.
Take care
Provided that you have been checked by your GP and he/she has recommended that you exercise I would suggest the following:
Pilates or a specific backcare class is likely to give you the best chance of a result. If you strengthen your abdominals and gluteal muscles this will give your pelvis more support and therefore reduce your pain on standing. This is a common problem in people of all ages and especially women which usually reacts well to a specific exercise programme.
If you have a local general exercise class aimed at your age group this may help as it is likely to have lots of gentle mobilising exercises which give a general benefit in keeping your joints moving.
Good luck in finding a solution.
Have you tried Thai Yoga massage? That would be benefitcial to you although you will really need to see very skilled therapist.
Dear Avanyanya
Yes agree with Jill that you'll want to start at least with private lessons with an experienced remedial yoga teacher. IYENGAR yoga is the style that recent research found to be more effective than going to the doctor. Visit http://www.iyengaryoga.org.uk and search for a remedial teacher near you. Angela
Hi Avayanya,
Sorry to hear about your difficulties - I hope this information will help.
You have probably heard about the research study which was recently carried out into yoga and back pain, and may have heard that it found yoga can help significantly with back pain. However, you do need to make sure to find a class or teacher who works specifically with back pain and spinal conditions. Some yoga classes are really not appropriate, and you should always talk to the teacher first to find out if the class is for you.
I've attached the research findings below, and also the website built by the team that put together the yoga course (http://www.yogaforbacks.co.uk/). You don't say where you live, but this site may help you to locate a teacher that you can work with.
In London, I recommend Adelene Cheong, who has a scoliosis, and who has developed a course specifically for scoliosis. Her details are below. She teaches at the Life Centre and Triyoga.
I wish you every success in finding some relief, and if you need any further advice, please do feel free to contact me directly - my website is also listed below.
Best wishes,
Dear Avayanya2,
In answer to your question, yes Yoga would help enormously, but I would recommend that you see a good yoga teacher who has many years experience and a good knowledge of anatomy and structure. You should also see them individually for a few sessions so that you can learn and understand the exercises and the difference that they make.
If you would like more information then please ring me on 0161 439 1669.
kind regards
Trisha Hills
Dear Awayanya2, I saw your question and yes yoga therapy would def help. Sorry to hear you are in such pain and nothing helping.I have liaised with a colleague of mine who is lovely and a fully qualified, insured yoga therapist. She would be very happy to see you but goes away 22nd Dec so before then. Please email me at mylanmindfulyoga@gmail.com and I will give you her number.I am a yoga therapist but for mental well-being and yoga teacher although could work with lower back pain and other physical symptoms but not qualified enough for scoliosis. Warm wishes Nathalie
Hi Avayanya2
So sorry to hear about your pain. I dont know all the details of your scoliosis but would say that generally yoga can be very helpful, but you would need to look for private sessions with a qualified teacher who could work closely with you to ensure safe, best results or join a small group class of yoga that is rated for beginners or remedial students with a very experienced teacher , and tell her about your conditions before class so she can help you as much as possible in a group class setting. Also I would high recommend Feldenkrais method classes
if you can find any in your area. These classes are gentle, with small movements, but help the body to reorganise and find better ways of moving. It is an amazing system and would definitely help you.
Whichever way you choose to go, make sure you communicate with the teacher before class and get as much advice from them as possible. Any medical information you can give them will help them protect you during class and allow you to work safely to improve your condition, and hopefully help you to become more comfortable or pain free.
Good luck!


Yoga helps increase strength in very specific muscles and muscle groups. Holding positions in yoga is not intended to be uncomfortable. However, it does require concentration and specific use of muscles throughout the body. Muscle strength improves by remaining in these yoga positions and incorporating various movements.
Many of the postures in yoga gently strengthen the muscles in the back, as well as the abdominal muscles. Back and abdominal muscles are essential components of the muscular network of the spine, helping the body maintain proper upright posture and movement. When these muscles are well conditioned, back pain can be greatly reduced or avoided.
Also this approach will correct lower back pain quickly. To prevent a pain free back, then you need to also use techniques to release stress in your day to day life. There are also different ways to fix this problem, go through this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBLO91Nr8QU and find out all you need to know.
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