Hi Avayanya,
Sorry to hear about your difficulties - I hope this information will help.
You have probably heard about the research study which was recently carried out into yoga and back pain, and may have heard that it found yoga can help significantly with back pain. However, you do need to make sure to find a class or teacher who works specifically with back pain and spinal conditions. Some yoga classes are really not appropriate, and you should always talk to the teacher first to find out if the class is for you.
I've attached the research findings below, and also the website built by the team that put together the yoga course (
http://www.yogaforbacks.co.uk/). You don't say where you live, but this site may help you to locate a teacher that you can work with.
In London, I recommend Adelene Cheong, who has a scoliosis, and who has developed a course specifically for scoliosis. Her details are below. She teaches at the Life Centre and Triyoga.
I wish you every success in finding some relief, and if you need any further advice, please do feel free to contact me directly - my website is also listed below.
Best wishes,
Many of the postures in yoga gently strengthen the muscles in the back, as well as the abdominal muscles. Back and abdominal muscles are essential components of the muscular network of the spine, helping the body maintain proper upright posture and movement. When these muscles are well conditioned, back pain can be greatly reduced or avoided.
Also this approach will correct lower back pain quickly. To prevent a pain free back, then you need to also use techniques to release stress in your day to day life. There are also different ways to fix this problem, go through this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBLO91Nr8QU and find out all you need to know.