A healthy, healing lifestyle can help tremendously. There have been lots of excellent suggestions made here already.
I can share my personal experience. A few years ago, I used to feel tired, stressed, low and would fall ill quite often. Then I discovered Reiki. I learnt Reiki (a natural healing technique). This enabled me to be able to give myself a Reiki treatment everyday. The first difference I noticed within me was the improvement in my energy levels. Reiki restores balance within our being. When we are in better balance, the symptoms tend to disappear gradually. We start making better choices for ourselves.
You can find out more about my story (
http://reikiwithmamta.com/about.htm), and learning Reiki (
http://reikiwithmamta.com/ReikiClasses.htm) on my website. To be able to find a Reiki Practitioner/Reiki Teacher in your area, you can visit the website of Reiki Association (
Hope this is helpful and you are feeling better soon.
also it's not good to take with probanthine, atropine, durabolin, cardiac glycosides etc west medicine, it's better to consultant your pharmacist if you take other medication.